Hilarious, Josie Gibson’s Reaction to a “Hideous” Christmas Gift
This Morning host Josie Gibson shared a funny story about the worst Christmas present she ever got Josie, 39, previously revealed how her friend Rachel had once gifted her with an “ugly” ornamental cat.
The gift was so awful that the user kept it for an entire year before wrapping it back up and re-gifting it to Rachel! The gift was one of the best presents I’ve ever had because we just retake it over and over again,’ she joked. It’s hilarious!”
Hosting a Big Christmas Party
Josie is in charge of a heavy family and friend Christmas party this year. The star is providing a buffet so people can help themselves and there is not as much pressure of a sit down meal. Josie said: I have opened my doors to everyone who has no where else to go — it’s time for the Christmas spirit. “We’re going to have music, party atmosphere, and plenty to eat.”
She is particularly delighted that her little brother’s new-born is going to celebrate with them.
Her Busy Schedule
Josie has been working on a number of TV projects, including Ultimate Christmas Gift Guide and two new Channel 5 shows, with First Class Travel and an investigative food series on the 1970s.
Giving Back to the Community
Josie further collaborated with First Bus on their Moving the Everyday campaign that showcases how buses are great at connecting communities. From visiting her hometown of Yate, Bristol, to hear about inspirational locals delivering food hampers or setting up activities for refugees; >>
Josie branded it “the most wholesome day” ever, adding: “Buses are the life blood of the community. They connect, and create friendships between people.”
Her story goes to show how a simple simple act like sharing her unwanted gift with the world can bring joy in the holidays.